



*Graduate Student with the U. S. (American) Citizenship

May 18th, 2021


Shunpu Dormitory(春風学寮)founded in 1929 by Yasujiro Dosho is a Christian student dormitory based upon the principle of the Gospel of Christ. Shunpu Christian dormitory accommodates fourteen male students including graduate students studying at universities and colleges in and around Tokyo district. The dormitory provides a common space for students’ communal life in which they engage in learning about life, faith, and a broad range of knowledge.

It was fortunate that in 1987 the dormitory was endowed with “One Seed Scholarship Fund” which enabled us to provide two scholarships: one for a graduate student with U. S. citizenship and the other for a graduate student with the citizenship of the People’s Republic of China or other East Asian countries. Once selected, these graduate students are supposed to live with other Japanese students as “Shunpu Dormitory Scholars.” We would like to recruit graduate students who are studying or planning to study in and around Tokyo district with a sincere aspiration for learning and friendship. At this time, we are recruiting one graduate student with the U. S. citizenship who will live in the Dormitory as “Shunpu Dormitory Scholar” for two years. Since this is a male student dormitory, we are recruiting a male graduate student.



Period: Two Years from September 2021


(1)  80,000 yen per month

(2)  However, the selected scholar has to pay 65,000 yen including the monthly rent and food expenses from the 80,000 yen (1). He can use the rest, 15,000 yen, for other expenses.


  1. Qualifications

(1) Graduate student with U. S. citizenship.

(2) Male graduate student entering or studying at university or college in and around Tokyo district.

(3) Graduate student having reliable character, excellent academic record as well as financial difficulty

(4) Graduate student who has an understanding for Christianity and who would like to live with Japanese students in the dormitory.






1 給付期間2021年9月から2年間
2 給付額(1)  月額8万円。この中から寮費(家賃+食費)6万5千円を支払う。残額は自由に使うことができる。
3 奨学生の資格(1) 中華人民共和国・大韓民国・東南アジア諸国の国籍の人
(2) 大学院(東京、その近郊)に学ぶ男子留学生
(3) 人物、学業ともに優秀で、生活費の支払いが困難と認められる人(他団体の奨学金の併用も可)
(4) キリスト教精神を理解し、学寮において他の在寮生との同生活を 希望する人


1.Eメールにて、あるいは返信用封筒に住所・氏名を記入の上、切手を貼り  同封して、奨学願書を


2. 奨学願書、在学証明書(ないし入学許可証)、成績証明書、精神的自伝(生い立ちと今までの歩


薦書(密封したもの /日本語)、返信用封筒(住所・氏名を記入の上、切手を貼る)を、下記の


3  締め切り 6月30日・当日必着

4 7月9日頃までに書類審査の結果を書面にてお知らせします。

5  書類審査に合格した候補者には7月中旬に面接試験(Interview)をします。


6 7月下旬に最終の合否決定のお知らせを書面にて送付します。



〒156-0052 東京都世田谷区経堂5-3-12

(公益財団法人)春風学寮 寮長 小舘美彦

電話  03-3425-6427

Eメール: shunpugakuryo@shunpu.sakura.ne.jp

Homepage: http://www.shunpu.org/